
Stone of Communication

Chrysocolla Stone Mala Beads wise women innate wisdom

The energies of this little stone work on your throat/heart chakras allowing your heart to give gentle voice to those profound bits of wisdom neatly tucked away in a safe little corner of your heart/mind. We all possess higher knowledge but struggle to bring it to the surface. This little turquoise/brown stone helps us to communicate those thoughts with compassion, and keep our words in check when silence speaks louder. While worn by wise women through the ages, this is also a great stone for men giving them the freedom to recognize their vulnerability as receptivity and openness rather than our modern view of it as a weakness.

Great stone for: goddesses seeking an open heart and resilience; men seeking the freedom to just be ‘real’; mature women looking to re-define their new direction (empty nesters/Grammas); people desiring to be more gentle in their spoken word; people who feel they put their foot in their mouths consistently; people needing a boost in analysis or intuition while maintaining a ‘chill’ attitude; teachers wishing to pass on the best of their insight; tempering the nature of constantly wandering souls.

Chakras: Opens and stimulates the throat chakra allowing all those great thoughts to be released bringing the heart chakra into balance.


“I am intuitive, strong and communicate with compassion.”

chrysocolla mala bead crystal divine wisdom, wise women