
The Supreme Nurturer.

Snakeskin Jasper Stone Mala Beads

There are so many types of Jasper that it seems unfair to group them all under this one category but to economize on space I must. All Jaspers, and I use many types, emit an energy that helps the wearer balance their body, mind and emotions to provide stability, tranquility and unity. Its cleansing effect rids us of negative energies and soothes the nerves allowing the wearer to effortlessly focus. It provides a calm energy for meditation. Jaspers are like a gentle hug of encouragement… where some daily!

Great crystal for: people wishing to lose extra fleshy bits; those seeking help to give up not-so-great habits; distracted individuals; patients struggling to find good health again; astral travellers; people undergoing change that require a little additional courage to persevere; those of use that can’t quite face reality when confronted with problems; and individuals wishing to de-clutter their minds/houses or garages.

Chakra: Use Jasper to stabilize and energize the Base chakra.


"I will recognize and celebrate the beauty in all the moments of my life and seek harmony within myself."

I do love celebrations!


Cobra Jasper

This beautiful stone has one personality but many, many names. It is also known as elephant jasper, Miriam Jasper, coquina jasper, calligrapher’s stone and palm jasper. Hailing from the Himalayan mountains in India, this uniquely formed stone creates a talisman for those seeking to find their place in this world. You will note the unique markings are formed from various swamp grasses. I have also read that it is formed from shells and mollusks but that is a ‘sale pitch’. Be wary of a good sales pitch! All Jaspers are nurturing stones and this one is true to its classification. Its unique energies bring the strength of the past to the wearer. Its obvious markings indicate it has been shaped and marked by its past, just as we have by our life experiences. Observing the beauty of this stone should assist us in recognizing that those trials and tribulations we have undergone have added a beauty and strength to us as well, helping to provide clarity and a sense of ‘connectedness’ in this crazy, busy world we live in.

Good stone for: people who lead with their heart needing to sustain their courage and peace of mind in a world of ‘head’ thinkers; inspired people longing to embark on a spiritual journey; isolated individuals needing to get in touch with nature and claim their space; people needing to feel reconnected to the world around them; and the rest of us needing a little clarity and a boost of confidence to take those steps we must to get where we are destined to go. All Jaspers, and I try to add at least a few to each piece, emit an energy that helps the wearer balance their body, mind and emotions to provide stability, tranquility and unity. Its cleansing effect rids us of negative energies and soothes the nerves allowing the wearer to focus.

Chakra: This stone is excellent for stimulating and soothing the navel, solar plexus and root chakras, those that affect how you operate and feel about the physical world around you. Keep a little Cobra jasper in your pocket, firmly plant your feet on the ground and claim your divine right to feel connected to nature, family, yourself and your future.

zebra jasper mala bead crystal tranquility peace

mookaite jasper mala bead crystal healing solar plexus chakra

breciated jasper mala bead crystal healing health grounding root chakra

picture jasper mala bead crystal healing tranquility hug gentle