
This sweet and delicate green stone helps us all come to a place of gentle acceptance of who we are and how we got here. No judgments…just love. It is also pretty magnificent at helping us heal wounds from our previous lives, and helping us make connection to our current life. This crystal helps us to remain strong and compassionate when faced with confrontation-whether that is internal or external.

Great crystal for: procrastinators; people that can’t slow down because they feel they have to do and be ‘more’; distracted individuals; animal lovers wanting to increase their connection with nature; sweet souls needing to realize their beauty and grace; strong people that haven’t recognized the depth of their emotional power; all of us needing to calm ourselves and just be.

Chakras: no doubt this beautiful crystal stimulates and heals the heart chakra. Be at peace and let the compassion flow.


I am all I need to be in this very moment.

Please, don’t ever, ever forget it! Perfection is your birthright.