
The Stone of the Sky

Turquoise Mala Beads
Long used as a stone to protect soldiers and travellers, Turquoise is also perfect for people who want to work on being kind to themselves. This is a wise teacher and its energies encourage introspection, inviting you to learn how to practice forgiving and be accepting who you are in this great old universe. By viewing our tiny little selves this way all of those things we consider monumental undergo the ‘shrinking ray gun’ and become teeny tiny as we are merely a beautiful creature following our destiny. We realize we are a precious part of a great whole…immense and enduring. Great gemstone for: backpackers; horseback riders to prevent falls; great people unable to see their awesomeness; people on a transformative adventure (all of us); , people needing to release anxiety and stress and who doesn’t need to do that? Chakra: Turquoise is great for working on both the Throat and Third eye/Brow Chakra supporting our meditation and releasing us from old truths and statements that no longer suit our existence to free us to explore new paths.


I am a child of the universe and a tool for the great Divine.

Betcha’ can’t wait to see that ‘honey-do’ list! Scary…..

african turqoise mala bead crystal healing